Welcome to the Laboratory for Autonomy, Control, Information, and Systems (LACIS). The interdisciplinary research performed at the LACIS of the University of South Florida is focused on the discovery of novel control, information, and decision systems that reveal next generation advanced autonomous vehicles and robotic swarms (multiagent networks). These systems are envisioned to elevate our society and perform safety-critical scientific, civilian, and military applications. The LACIS Director, Dr. Tansel Yucelen, places a strong emphasis on both system-theoretical research and experimentation for addressing fundamental and open real-world technological problems. Our research is particularly focused on i) adaptive and robust control of safety-critical systems, ii) distributed estimation and control of networked multiagent systems, and iii) resilient and secure robotics, autonomous vehicles, human-in-the-loop systems, cyber-physical systems; and large-scale modular systems.
In these areas sponsored by NSF, AFRL, AFOSR, ARL, ARO, NASA, DARPA, MDA, and ORAU, researchers at the LACIS authored more than 325 archival journal and conference publications, gave numerous talks and seminars, have conducted externally supported research, and have performed several technology transitions. We have also closely involved in many innovative education and outreach events such as workshop and invited session organizations, and the Forum on Robotics and Control Engineering (FoRCE) in order to disseminate new research and education results of control systems and robotics online at no cost. Our aim is to be recognized as one of the top research laboratories around the globe on systems and control by significantly advancing the knowledge through innovative discoveries and training science-based engineers and professionals to shape the future of our society. Follow us on Twitter to learn about what we are up to recently!

Open Positions
We are always looking for exceptional Ph.D. students (and extraordinary M.S. students) with creative skills and a solid background in systems and control. These students are expected to perform high quality scholarly work on our research focus areas stated above. Our intention is to give a strong guidance to maximize the chances of our students for building a rewarding career. If you are interested in joining the LACIS to do transformative discoveries to make the impossible happen, please send an email to Dr. Tansel Yucelen and include i) your curriculum vitae, ii) a concise paragraph explaining your theoretical and experimental experience related to systems and control, iii) a list of your undergraduate and graduate courses taken (with your grades) related to systems and control, and iv) one of your (published) papers. Please also include contact information (name, affiliation, and email) of your current advisor and at least one other reference.
Tansel Yucelen is now AIAA Associate Fellow, Class of 2023; “In recognition of significant contributions in robust adaptive flight control of aerospace systems and distributed estimation and control of resilient networked multiagent systems” (January 2023).
“Autonomous Vehicles and Autonomous Vehicle Safety” interview with Catherine Hawley, Reporter for the FOX 13 News (June 2022).
“People in Control: Tansel Yucelen” interview for the IEEE Control Systems Magazine (April 2022).
“Cooperative output regulation of heterogeneous multiagent systems,” co-authored by A. T. Koru, S. B. Sarsilmaz, and E. N. Johnson is listed in the Top 50 Most Popular Articles; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (September 2021).
“An event-triggered distributed control architecture for scheduling information exchange in networked multiagent systems,” co-authored by S. Ristevski and J. A. Muse is listed in the Top 50 Most Popular Articles; IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (July 2021).
“Distributed control of linear multiagent systems with global and local objectives,” co-authored by S. B. Sarsilmaz and T. Yucelen is listed in the Top 25 Most Downloaded Articles in the Last 90 Days; Systems and Control Letters (July 2021, August 2021, September 2021).
Kadriye Merve Dogan is the recipient of the 2020 Outstanding Thesis and Dissertation Award; University of South Florida (October 2020)
“An adaptive control architecture for mitigating sensor and actuator attacks in cyber-physical systems,” co-authored by X. Jin, W. M. Haddad, and T. Yucelen is listed in the Top 50 Most Popular Articles; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (May 2020).
“Formation control with multiplex information networks,” co-authored by D. Tran, T. Yucelen, and E. Pasiliao is listed in the Top 50 Most Popular Articles; IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (March 2020).
“On control of multiagent systems in the presence of a misbehaving agent,” co-authored by E. Yildirim, S. B. Sarsilmaz, A. T. Koru, and T. Yucelen is listed in the Top 50 Most Popular Articles; IEEE Control Systems Letters (January 2020, February 2020, March 2020).
“Hedging approach for scheduling actuator data transmission in networked adaptive control systems,” co-authored by K. M. Dogan, T. Yucelen, and J. A. Muse received the Young Author Award; IFAC Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Systems, Winchester, UK (December 2019).
“On control of multiagent systems in the presence of a misbehaving agent,” co-authored by E. Yildirim, S. B. Sarsilmaz, A. T. Koru, and T. Yucelen is listed in the Top 50 Most Popular Articles; IEEE Control Systems Letters (November 2019, December 2019).
“Finite-time cooperative engagement,” co-authored by T. Yucelen, Z. Kan, and E. Pasiliao is listed in the Top 50 Most Popular Articles; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (August 2019).
“A neuroadaptive architecture for model reference control of uncertain dynamical systems with performance guarantees,” co-authored by E. Arabi, T. Yucelen, B. C. Gruenwald, M. Fravolini, and S. Balakrishnan is listed in the Top 25 Most Downloaded Articles in the Last 90 Days; Systems and Control Letters (June 2019).
Tansel Yucelen receives the Faculty Outstanding Research Achievement Award; University of South Florida Research and Innovation (October 2018).
LACIS appears in the Tampa Bay News article (October 2018).
A brick entitled “Tansel Yucelen” is added to the Sandberg Family Inventors Commons Walkway; University of South Florida Research Park (April 2018).
Tansel Yucelen receives the College of Engineering Junior Outstanding Research Achievement Award; University of South Florida (May 2017).
“Distributed control of active-passive networked multiagent systems,” co-authored by T. Yucelen and J. D. Peterson is listed in the Top 50 Most Popular Articles; IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems (December 2017).
“An adaptive control architecture for mitigating sensor and actuator attacks in cyber-physical systems,” co-authored by X. Jin, W. M. Haddad, and T. Yucelen is listed in the Top 50 Most Popular Articles; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (November 2017).
Tansel Yucelen receives the Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee (ACGSC, http://www.acgsc.org/) Dave Ward Memorial Lecture Award for the outstanding contributions to the field of adaptive control; Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee (March 2016).
Tansel Yucelen receives the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Technical Contribution Award for the creation of novel flight control synthesis and analysis algorithms; St. Louis Section of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (February 2016).
Tansel Yucelen is now a member of the National Academy of Inventors in recognition of advanced technological development and innovation (January 2016).
Tansel Yucelen receives the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award for public recognition of the quality and promise of research; Oak Ridge Associated Universities (May 2015).
Tansel Yucelen receives the Class of 1942 Excellence in Teaching; the Miner Alumni Association, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO (April 2014).
“Bounded hybrid connectivity control of networked multiagent systems,” co-authored by G. De La Torre, T. Yucelen, and E. N. Johnson is listed in the Top 50 Most Popular Articles; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (September 2014).
“Output feedback adaptive stabilization and command following for minimum phase dynamical systems with unmatched uncertainties and disturbances,” co-authored by T. Yucelen and W. M. Haddad is listed in the Editor’s Choice Articles (one of the eight selected articles); International Journal of Control (December 2014).
“Low-frequency learning and fast adaptation in model reference adaptive control,” co-authored by T. Yucelen and W. M. Haddad is listed in the Top 25 Most Popular Articles; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (April 2013).
Derivative-free adaptive control architecture successfully flight tested on a generic transport model by NASA Langley Research Center: “ ... one that I’ll front note, your controller wins in the ‘least iteration’ category. It is the only controller that didn’t get tuned up based on pilot feedback or the initial flight data ... I don’t know how to quantify it, but when it just works out-of-the-box that’s the level of robustness I think everyone is seeking in adaptive controllers ...” – Dr. David E. Cox (June 2010).
Tansel Yucelen receives the Gold Medal in TUBITAK Physics Olympiad (for inventing a device to measure colors in the RGB system using feedback from fiber optic sensors); The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Ankara, Turkey (May 2001).
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